Adam M. Baker
Education: Adam graduated from Mt. Vernon H.S. in 1997. He graduated from the University of Tulsa in 2001 with a B.A. in Accounting and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa College of Law in 2006.
Practice Areas: Adam’s practice specializes in complex litigation cases, dog-bite cases, water/fire loss cases, and property litigation. If you need to get to the bottom of a complex legal issue, he will get to the truth of the matter.
Leadership: Adam is a Major in the U.S. Army Reserve and serves as a Judge Advocate for the 128th Legal Operations Detachment in Mustang, Oklahoma. Adam deployed to Iraq in 2003-2004 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom (“OIF II”). Adam mobilized to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma in 2009-2010 as a trial defense attorney and successfully tried several litigated criminal cases.
Experience: Adam is admitted to the practice of law in the state of Oklahoma, before the United States District Courts for the Western and Northern Districts of Oklahoma. He is a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association and Oklahoma County Bar Association.
Adam M. Baker has been practicing law since 2007 and was born in Springfield, Missouri.